In loving memory of your pet.

In Memoriam

We would love to give you the opportunity to create a lasting tribute to your pet by featuring them here on our website. Please scroll down to submit your pet’s tribute photo and information.



Read Kitty's Memory

🕊❤️ Kitty – 4/26/12 – 8/9/24 ❤️🕊
To my day 1 girl, my ride-or-die queen, and my closest companion, thank you for filling my life with so much joy, happiness, and love. You were always there by my side – during my toughest moments and my greatest accomplishments. You traveled the country with me and made every place together feel like home. You opened your heart to everyone you met and accepted them with purrs, rubs, and snuggles. I cannot thank you enough for the love you’ve poured out to Nat and I and for the amazing memories we’ve created along the way. You were the best cat I’ve every known and I thank God each and every day for blessing me with such a wonderful friend.
Although I hate to see you go, I know heaven shines a little brighter with you there.
You may have left my side, but you will never leave my heart.
I love you Kitty. ❤️



Read SmallCat's Memory
SmallCat was the sweetest cat anyone has ever met. She had a soft, cute voice and was very chatty. I rescued her when she was two years old, she had been living on the streets. I loved her with all of my heart. I kissed her on top of the head everyday. I loved SmallCat for her quirkiness and how gentle she was. She was by my side through good and bad. She never scratched or hurt anyone, she was a sweet soul.

She understood me and I loved her for that. She was fearless and courageous.

SmallCat never cared about eating treats, she loved toys and cozy, heated beds.

She crossed the rainbow bridge when she was 16yrs old. I will never stop missing her ♥️



Read Zero's Memory

Zero was an energetic, fun and loyal member of our family. We miss him so much!



Read Lexi's Memory
Lexi was a big cuddle bug that would run and knock you over from the excitement of being able to love on you. No matter where you sat down she wanted to be there. Her protection and comfort she brought is dearly missed. We love you to the moon in back, my sweet girl.


Read Bully's Memory
I’m going to miss having you on my right side of the bed and couch cushion because out of all your siblings, you always chose to be by my side ever since day one. The best hiking buddy to have. You loved being outside in the snow when it came. Always were up for an adventure once you saw me put my shoes on, you knew we were going somewhere. You were the best childhood dog a boy can ask for. Thank you so much for being my best friend for 13 yrs. You got me through all 4 yrs of high school and some of my adult life, but I know you’ll always stay in my heart forever. Until we meet again Bully Boy.


Read Cooper's Memory

Cooper was the best boy…ever! He loved people, his friends, talking walks…even in the snow and string cheese! I will miss his gentle soul!



Read Kona's Memory
Kona, daddy’s oatmeal buddy and mommy’s walking buddy. You are our sweet boy. Waits at the door and always try to cheer us up when we are stressed.


Read Miles's Memory
My eight-year-old great Dane, Miles came to me when I was in a very sad place. I’ve often told the story of driving all the way to Colorado to find a great Dane puppy, and how his name came to be, since we drove miles and miles to find him. From the first moment Miles sat in my lap we had a connection, he made me smile. Every day of his life he and I were so connected and he provided so many laughs because he was just a goofy boy. For eight years, I was lucky to have this boy in my life, I wish it could’ve been longer. My heart aches from him being gone, but I also know his body has been restored in heaven, and he’s no longer in pain. Miles was one of a kind and he was perfectly made for me at just the right time when I needed him most. My favorite way to describe Miles was if you add an S to Miles it spells SMILES!


Read Dexter's Memory

A traveler, beach runner, farm dog, snuggler, and notorious spot stealer. Always with a puppy attitude, gentile with all the kids, and loved by everyone. I can’t believe you’re gone, but remain grateful you were always there sleeping beside me these 15 years.



Read Coco's Memory
Coco was my best friend. I’ve had Coco for 11 years at this point and every year was full of joy and fun. She was the sweetest big dog, a gentle giant. She loved kids, tug of war, watching tv and laying inside. She loved cuddles and climbing into my bed when she wasn’t supposed to. She made her way into everyone’s hearts and no one will be forgetting her. Thank you for the joy, companionship and genuine love you gave me. We grew up together, and you’ll always be my best friend and the best girl. I love you Coco, I miss you every day


Read Tiger's Memory
We rescued Tiger when he was a kitten 17 years ago, along with three other kittens. He was the last one left with us. he was always long and thin but had alot of energy. He loved everyone, even visitors to our home. He is greatly missed. We all love you Tiger.


Read Missy's Memory
My beautiful daughter Missy was known by so many people. Won the hearts of many. Loved adventures and of course food. She helped guide me in my youthful years through all my troubles until I became a mom. My only true best friend. This world without her is so void now but I know she is watching over me and my son now. She was the best cuddler and had a great sense of humor. Memories of her are everywhere. I will never forget. I miss you so much every day. Until we meet again missy mama. I love you so much. I’ll always make a pancake for you.


Read Bella's Memory
We adopted Bella from the local animal shelter. She immediately stole our hearts. She was a part of our family for 13 years. We took her everywhere with us. Her favorite thing was just being near us. She was the best dog. So gentle and loyal. She gave us 13 great years. We miss her everyday.


Read Jammer's Memory

Jammer brought endless joy and unconditional love into our lives. He was more than just a dog, he was a constant source of comfort, a steadfast friend, he brightened even the darkest days. His wagging tail and eager eyes were always ready to greet us.

Rest in peace, sweet Jammer. You were the best dog in the world, a cherished family member, and a true friend. Thank you for the joy and love you brought into our lives. We will miss you dearly and remember you always.




Read Coco's Memory
Coco was the queen of the house. She loved car rides, walks, barking at other dogs, French fries, and sun baths. She was tough and didn’t let her health problems get her down. She was with us through so much over her 12 years of life. We will never forget you Coco.


Read Max's Memory

The goodest boy ❤️



Read Frankie's Memory

Meeting Frankie was love at first for me, we instantly connected from the moment I picked him up from a box when he was 7 weeks old. He loved me so much and I loved him, he was the first love of my life. He walked with me through 17 years of moving to different homes, heart breaks, job changes, and happy moments that only he and I shared. I wish he could live forever but I also know how tired he was. I am beyond grateful and honored that I got to share his life with him and that he was able to see me through to my first child. I love you Frankie, thank you for everything. ❤️



Read Alphie's Memory

I remember when we met Boozer for the first time. He was my nephews dog and was such a goofy and energetic boy. When my nephew had an opportunity for a better job and couldn’t take Boozer with him, we didn’t hesitate bringing him into our family. He was 8 months old at the time and from then on he was inseparable from us. His tongue was always too big for his mouth so, no matter where you went, people had to say hello and pet THE TONGUE DOG. He will forever be in our hearts and we are grateful for the many memories we were able to share with him. We Love You Boozie Bear.



Read Alphie's Memory
I remember when I first saw your picture on the adoption website and I knew that you were meant to be mine. There were a few families ahead of me on the list to meet you but I just waited patiently, knowing you would be coming home with me. And you did. Alphie, you had such a funny personality and you were a sweet, loving and protective dog. I’ll miss your sly kisses, your expressive eyes, our cuddles and walks. You left a mark on everyone who met you and I will miss you so very much. You were my baby before my baby. Love you forever, give Maggie a kiss for me.


Read Drop's Memory
Drop has been my sweet fur spoon for 17 years. every night we would switch positions from one side to the other and she would mirror me. my sleep was disturbed every night and it was well worth it. she was a gentle giant. never once biting or scratching. she even kept her claws in when we would play and she would do the bunny kick. I will always love her and she’ll be in my heart until I see her in the next realm.

Keiki Parker

Read Keiki's Memory
In loving memory of Keiki.
Keiki was a sassy and loyal bulldog who crossed the rainbow bridge just shy of her 13th birthday. We’ll cherish the beautiful memories we had together and hold them in our hearts. Keiki wasn’t a pet, she was our daughter. We know you’ll watch from above, guiding us with your gentle spirit. Rest peacefully our sweet girl. Your journey here may have ended, but the love you shared will never fade. Aloha.


Read Takata's Memory
He was such a warm, loving, loyal & caring boy! Everyone loved him& he will be so missed! Such a beautiful soul!


Read Baron's Memory
Our Big Ole Man was literally the best doggo ever. He was kind, gentle, loving, protective, smart and so very mellow. I used to tease him and tell him he was a German Shredder (the poofs of fur found all over the house could be maddening) or that he was a German Stalker (as he rarely let me out of his sight. He was an old fella, over 12 years and while he had slowed down, he was still loving and affection. Every morning he’d come lay his massive noggin in my lap for his daily ear rubs (he loved that endorphin release). He was majestic, proud and totally wonderful. We will miss him terribly and he will furever be in our heart!! PS Dr. Nicole and crew was the best in such a tremendously hard situation.


Read Pearl's Memory
Pearl was an amazing friend to me and a great sister to our other dogs. Being a shepherd mix, she looked and sounded like a guard dog but had a sweet and loving disposition. Despite a shopping list of health issues, she lived 14 wonderful years and never complained or let her conditions slow her down. She will be missed dearly!


Read Goliath's Memory

My life long companion how thank you for the 10 years you spent with us.



Read Suzie's Memory
Suzie was such a sweet girl. She wasn’t the friendliest to outsiders, but she sure did love me and I will love her and miss her forever. She brought me so much joy. She loved car rides and her chicken nuggets.


Read Phiona's Memory

I have loved you, Phiona all your life and will miss you for the rest of my life😢❤️.
She was the sweetest little girl, I called her my little shadow and the best companion anyone could have.
Daddy and Mommy made this cute little trailer for her and when we went camping she loved to be in it. We will miss her
With broken hearts 💔 and never forget how
Special she was.🌈 until we meet again.



Read Missy's Memory

Missy was such a personality with her bright eyes and sweet face. She would watch TV and entire movies with us. Her favorites were Lucky Dog and the movie The grinch. She learned to sneeze when she wanted a treat after she saw a dog do that on TV(seriously… she was that smart) she fit in a purse when we first got her and loved to go places. Life is not the same without her around…we miss her everyday. We will forever love our Lil Miss and have her in our hearts💕



Read Barney's Memory

Barney, our sweet little Corgi Mix. The day we rescued him from the shelter, he was brought out to a large fenced area where we could meet him. He ran all the way around the yard and then barrel rolled into us, then looked up at us as if to say “take me home”!! His love and unique personality filled our home and our hearts for 13 wonderful years.



Read Suki's Memory
Suki was a 9 year old Golden Retriever. She came into our family as a puppy when my daughter turned 4. She was the absolute best dog ever! Very kind, loving and loyal. She loved to chase balls, go to the dog beach and out for walks. Her favorite thing to do was play with her BFF (our little doggie Carl). They had a really special bond. Suki was very much loved and she will be missed.


Read Meeko's Memory
Meeko passed away on 01/30/2023. He was adopted 11 years ago with his brother and brought continuous love and joy into our lives ever since. Meeko was the sweetest most playful boy. We will miss his cuddles watching movies, playing video games, and falling asleep together. We look forward to seeing you again bebe. Rest in peace and happiness ❤️🕊️


Read Auggie's Memory
Smartest, most athletic dog, and loyal best friend, played soccer with professional soccer players, would play ping pong, with you, high flying frisbee dog competitor, and search and rescue dog, nothing too hard for for him to master! Miss you budd


Read Marley's Memory
I’d like to share one of my favorite Marley memories to show what an incredible soul he was. Once upon a time a friend and her 80-something mother were in Marley’s pool participating in his favorite activity, throwing the ball. Time came to get out and fearing Marley might knock her mom over a ball was thrown to the far end of his pool. On his way to retrieve the ball, smart dog that he was, Marley noticed mom moving to get out of his pool. He immediately swam to the edge leaped out and raced around the pool and positioned himself as a rail up the steps so mom could steady herself to get up the steps. You see, there was no railing and he recognized that. That’s how special my friend Marley was.❤️


Read Lucy's Memory
Lucy was my constant partner in everything. She is connected to so many family memories and happy experiences. She was absolutely ridiculous in so many adorable ways. She slept on top of me, kept me company, constantly, and provided 17 years of wonderful love and affection. I miss her tremendously. I will see her in heaven.


Read Maggie's Memory
Thank you for being such a great dog. Thank you for your unwavering loyalty. Thank you for the wild crazy puppy days. Thank you for the calm and pensive geriatric days. Thank you for the laughs. Thank you for the face palm grumbling. Thank you for the companionship. Thank you for always being by our side. Thank you for always guarding us. Thank you for the 13 1/2 years of all that was you. Thank you for loving us unconditionally. My sweet girl, you are finally able to run free again. We love you more than words can describe. Until we meet again over on the other side of the rainbow bridge.


Read Gunny's Memory

Our Gunny boy was the best! He joined our family about 12 years ago and has brought so much joy and happiness ever since. A true gentle giant. He was so loving and sweet even though his intimidating size. He was very much loved and will forever be missed- no longer by our side but forever in our hearts.



Read Daisy Lizzi's Memory

For us, Lizzi was love at first sight. She was almost 6 months old when we first met her. She was unbelievably charming and we only found out later that her charming side was very selective.

During the 15+ years, Lizzi was with us, she told us so much about how she felt without uttering a single word. She listened to every word of ours without a blink of her eyes. She loved with all her mighty despite being only 14 pounds at max. She never understood privacy because she always wanted to know exactly what we were doing, so that her paw prints would be on every page of our lives. Her happiest moments were having us all back from school, and work and she walked among us, stepping on us here and there, which I always suspected she did on purpose to remind us of her presence. For the last year and a half, she fought fiercely against cancer, giving it all to be with us for as long as she could.

Now Lizzi is resting for eternity. Our lives will be filled with her memories, the love and joy that she had brought with her, and a special place in our hearts that forever belongs to her and her only! Sleep tight and sweet dreams, our love!


Alex Tait

Read Daisy Alex Tait's Memory

This is our sweet baby Alex. She will always be in our hearts and our memories. She is a special princess. She brought more love to our lives than we could ever imagine. She would howl along with me if I sang a song. She could melt your heart with just a look. She brought so much inspiration, love, happiness, and enjoyment to our family that made us feel whole. She will forever be with us in spirit and will never be forgotten. We love you, sweet girl.



Read Daisy Oreo's Memory

Oreo was a lovely boy, he lived 14 years filled with love. I had him since he was a baby and I was 8, I miss him barking at possums or how he would eat/get the flies in the house. He was such a cute baby and my heart aches without him. He is missed tremendously.



Read Chico's Memory

Chico was our little buddy for 18 years. He was a great friend.



Read Mile's Memory

Miles was a very happy and enthusiastic member of our family. We found and adopted him from a pound in San Bernardino. They grow up together with our son Luke and they shared good memories together for 17 1/2 years. Losing him was very heartbreaking to the entire whole family. We used Miles scratching our bedroom every 5:30 in the morning just to be around with my husband. Remembering Miles looking eye to eye with my husband asking for his breakfast? Looking back at all these wonderful memories it’s really breaking 💔 our hearts to pieces. Thank you Miles for being such a wonderful member of this family. We missed you and ❤️ love you more. Will see you at the edge of the rainbow buddy. Enjoy your new journey.



Read Olive's Memory

July 17, 2022. Fifteen years ago, I rescued a 1-year-old Terrier mix, and I haven’t been alone in the bathroom since…until today. My sweet Olive has gone to sleep. She went peacefully in my lap in our home in the good hands of Dr. Nicole to whom I cannot shed enough praise. Olive was what everyone hoped for in a pet—happy, well-mannered, loving, playful, trusting, and completely content as long as she had me in her sights. While only 14 lbs, her absence is immeasurable.

– Rhonda B.



Read Rocco's Memory

Rocco was our loyal protective caring dog. He went thru all of our ups and downs with us. Thru all the hardship he was always our protector. He brought us joy for 15 years. He will be missed but never forgotten.

We love you Rocco

Romy V.



Read Sammy’s Memory
Our beautiful Sammy 💕 The happiest, most loving, Golden always met us with a warm smile! She lived the best 12 years going to the beach, rolling on grass @ every park, daily walks & protecting our family.

We are all heartbroken, 💔 we know she’s @ peace running & rolling in the grass.

– Janet B.



Read Jack’s Memory
Jack was my sweet little boy. Jack was found on the freeway at only 6 weeks old. Jack has been my best friend and companion for nearly 17 years. My heart has been crushed with the loss of such an important part of me. I know in my heart that I provided Jack with a great life and he is watching over me. I will miss him always. There will never be another like him. I love you Jack!

– Cyndie L.



Read Princess’s Memory

I found princess A year and a half ago. When I found her she was on the street and it was raining and when I went up to her she was so sweet and seemed like she just needed someone to love her. I took her home and some time went by and I realized her stomach was getting big… she was pregnant! From the beginning me and princess had the best bond, I’ve never felt attached to an animal and she was the first animal I felt attached to. When she was pregnant she would sleep on the top of my pillow with her stomach on my head every night. I always thought animals were very protective of their babies but for her I could tell she wanted me to be 100% involved in this journey with her. When it came time to her giving birth she even let me cut one of the babies umbilical cord‘s! Me and my family always thought of princess as A real person, she was our family and still is. She has always been such a good cat. Princess has always been there for us when we were going through things, it’s like we could really talk to her and she would listen and she would comfort us. Princess loved playing outside as soon as we let her out to play she would go to the grass and she would roll, she loved to adventure and when she wanted back in she would come to the door and meow to let us know, it was so cute. I pray that princess is running in a field chasing butterflies in the sun and one day I’ll be with her again. Mommy loves you princess… till we meet again.

– Carolina J.



Read Nubis's Memory

Nubis was one in a million girl. She was my constant companion who always greeted me with her wiggle butt and wagging tail. She still had her spunk even at age 16 and made sure her younger cousin, Gumbo, knew who was top dog. Nubis always had a smile on her graying face and never passed up a treat. Although her silent barks seemed a wee bit pushy, she only did so to remind us that she was due another cookie. We were so blessed to have Nubs in our lives and know we will meet her again one day. We love you Nubie-joon ❤️.



Read Winston's Memory
Winston is survived by his human family of 6 in Running Springs, California. He loved the beach (especially eating sandcrabs), playing in the snow, his humans and any/all foods. He was the most gentle, sweet and loyal boy ever and will be dearly missed.


Read Rex's Memory

Rex was by far the best dog, the kind of dog you only get once in a lifetime! I’ve had Rex since I was 9, I got her as a birthday present when she was 3 months old I am now 25. She was there for me through my toughest moments growing up. 17 years with her and I’d do it again 1,000 times! We miss you dearly my sweet girl 💜



Read Buddy's Memory

Buddy was a special dog, always happy, always friendly. Loved his stuffed toys, food, treats and his front yard. He was my constant companion. He knew when it was 4:30 (dinner time) everyday. I counted on him to be there everyday. It’s a difficult time, I’m heartbroken. He is deeply missed.



Read Krypto's Memory
Krypto was my soul dog and my first dog. He was adopted from a shelter at 8 months old and lived for 15 years and 4 months. According to the shelter he was a pointer mix, we always felt he was more pit bull. Krypto was very much loved and has left a big hole in our hearts, but at least he’s not in pain anymore. He hated water unless it was for drinking. Trying to wash him was always a challenge up until the end. He taught me to be a better human and grounded me up until his last breath. I told him years back that it will always be me and him until the end, whether it was his or mine, and that I would never leave him. At least I fulfilled that promise. I miss him so much. Even with this heartbreak we would do the whole thing again with him. He was meant to be our dog. Thank you for your unconditional love and protection. We love you, Krypto. Your sister misses you, but at least no more pain. I promise you, once I’m done here, I’ll go pick you up.


Read Kandy's Memory

Kandy came into our life’s when she was 4 months old. She was a beautiful girl, with her unique, stubborn ways, very smart and always got her ways, she was a child to our family. She had her health issues, when she was a couple months old she had surgery due to malformation of her hip socket, suffered from food allergies u name it but she was in our life for almost 16 years, she developed kidney failure in her older years but still stood strong doing and getting what she wanted, as her little body declined both of age and her kidneys, I made the decision to put my baby to rest on a Monday, me my husband and 2 children stood the weekend with her, I placed her on my chest those days and said everything I needed her to know, Kandy never licked however as I spoke to her and looked into her eyes she licked my face saying mommy it’s ok. Monday my baby rested with us by her side, she went peaceful and as beautiful as she was. Thank U Serenepassages for being there, I thank God for putting u in my path. I miss my baby girl❤️



Read Smoke's Memory

Smoke was an abused shelter dog when he came into my life 13 years ago. He had overcome so much in his early years, but we bonded instantly. He was there always for me for the good and the bad times. When my father passed away and my mother came to live with us, he took care of her. He became her best friend since hers had died, and I didn’t mind sharing him. He had enough love to go around! All I can say is that Smoke was AMAZING! He is now with his dog brother Stewart who passed away last year, and I know how much he missed him. I love you Smoke always and furever! …until we meet again.



Read Leia's Memory

Our Princess Leia is at peace now, no more cancer or pain. Thanks for being strong for us during your cancer decline. Although our family hearts are very broken and will take time to heal, we’ll treasure the memories, many pictures and videos of you. Leia you are family and showed us unconditional love for 12yrs as a rescue pup who stole our hearts early on. We will miss you forever! Leia you gave us lots of smiles, barks, singing, cuddles and happiness. As we look to reunite with you in the best place ever – heaven; Leia you’ll welcome us and we’ll be together once again. Love you ‘favorite girl, best girl, princess, mommas, beastie and best friend, always!



Read Snickerdoodle's Memory
Doodle was more than a dog. He was our joyous, curious, and ever-present guardian and loyal companion. Sharing his life with two feline brothers, a feline sister, and five humans, he was an integral part of our family. His unconditional love, forgiveness, and acceptance were a constant in our lives.

Doodle had a special fondness for raw fruits and veggies, delighting especially in broccoli, romaine, bananas, and melons. His enthusiasm for treats was unmatched, as he danced and performing elaborate tricks to earn his rewards. His playful antics and endearing silliness charmed everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him.

He was the best dog, my best friend, and his absence leaves a profound Doodle-shaped hole in our universe. Though he is no longer physically with us, his spirit, love, and memories will forever remain in our hearts. Rest in peace, dear Doodle, until we meet again. 🌈🐾



Read Sozin's Memory
Back in early 2018, I adopted Sozin as I began a new era of my life. I hadn’t had a pet in over 20 years! My daughter said I should meet this one cat and he won me over at the shelter with his inquisitive chirps and endless desire to be petted. Once home, he seemed to think he was ruler of the house presiding benevolently over us all and too cool to sit in laps but would instead demand I spread my hair over the back of the sofa for him lounge upon. One of my favorite moments of the day was coming home to be greeted by His Royal Majesty. I’d pick him up, this absolute Unit of a cat, and we’d slow dance in the living room while he purred and made biscuits on my shoulder and rubbing his face on mine. He also loved to sniff and nuzzle my feet, earning the nickname Toesman and his favorite toy was a black shoe string. Every Halloween he’d greet trick-or-treaters with me and he loved spending hours under the Christmas tree when it was up. He loved going outside and was our escape artist, clever enough to know how to open doors and there wasn’t a window sill he didn’t love to grace with his noble presence. On weekends he’d come lay on my pillow (because hair) and watch the world outside the window in front of us. I don’t know when I’ll be ready to accept the new normal. Sozin was central to many of the best parts of my life. I think I will always feel his absence in those moments where he used to be. He’s terribly missed and will forever be loved.


Read Sammie's Memory

Sammie was such a loving little dog, he loved outside and being with his little doggy friends. Sammie also had so many human friends who will miss him He was such a blessing for my husband and me. He sure did love Dennys pancakes and his greenies. Sammie will always have a special place in our in our hearts.



Read Daisy's Memory
Daisy was a chihuahua. Tiny but mighty. She protected me no matter what, she loved to sun bathe, and loved cuddles, but usually only my cuddles. She hated when I would leave the house, but welcomed me with zoomies when I got home. She used to have a little taste of all of my meals since I was 2 years old. We got her at 6 weeks and she passed at 19 years. She gave me the best experience a human could ask for, I miss her so much already.


Read Frankie's Memory

Frankie was a sweet, beautiful black tri-colored Aussie with blue eyes. His full name was Frankie Blue Eyes.

We lost him just shy of his 6th birthday due to lymphoma. They were wonderful years. We will always miss him.



Read Sidney's Memory

Sidney, My Love…you rescued me! I went to the shelter 16 years ago and found this tiny little brown and white spotted puppy. Sidney was the sweetest, smartest and well behaved dog I’ve ever met. She was very food motivated, making training simple. She loved on the kitties in the house as if they were hers. Sidney was so gentle, I would trust her with a newborn on the floor. Sidney would have been an excellent mother to a puppy or a human. She has left a huge hole in our hearts! I miss her excitement dance for her breakfast and dinner the most.



Read Mija's Memory

Mija, my daughter, our princess. Loved by her brothers, spoiled by her dad. We love you and we miss you everyday! I am comforted knowing that you are now reunited with Bullet. Thank you for being my baby for 17 years. I love you so much❤️.



Read Duke's Memory

Duke was an amazing companion that I rescued 9 years ago, and was there for me in my darkest days in my life. You were so silly, sweet and kind! Duke you will live in my memories and my heart forever my sweet boy. I miss you ❤️



Read Annie's Memory
Annie was such a sweet and a amazing friend. She lived 13 wonderful years and lived life to the fullest. She enjoyed her walks, snacks and spending time with her loving family. Run free beautiful girl until we meet again !!! Sending hugs, kisses and a whole lot of Love


Read Chester's Memory
Chester was a kind and loving boy. Anyone who got the pleasure of meeting Chester loved his gentle nature and endless amount of energy. He was with me through so many dark times. I am forever grateful to have had my baby boy for as long as a I did. Rest Easy Papas!


Read Teckna's Memory

21 years of cheerful life. You will be missed.



Read Stella's Memory

Stella was a beautiful 12 year old German Shepherd. She loved chasing balls, nuzzling in our blankets, going for walks, and playing with her 2 sisters. She was truly a perfect dog and will be greatly missed.



Read Fonzie's Memory
Fonzie was the best dog ever !!! He was funny, friendly and so loving!! It was an honor to spoil him up until his very last moment with us !!! We will miss him every day.

Slim Pickens

Read Slim's Memory
I adopted Slim Pickens from a hound rescue on July 23, 2017. Slim had been in several shelter for almost 2 years after his owner passed away. Slim had a difficult time while in the shelter, he barked constantly and chewed on the chain link of his enclosure, breaking his canine teeth and pulling all of the fur off of his tail. He was so distraught that they had to sedate him. I followed him on the rescue website for a couple of months. When I met Slim, he was agitated, would not look me in the eye and visible stressed, but I wanted to give him a chance to start a new life with me and my Beagle and Basset Hound.

The first 9 months we tough., He had regular bouts of PTSD. he would growl and behave like he didn’t know where he was. He was difficult on walks and barked at every dog he saw. Because of his size my neighbors were concerned that he might hurt someone. I told them he wouldn’t hurt anyone, and he had found his forever home. At about six months he still won;dn’t look me in the eye and he would growl at me when I tried to rub his head and give him a kiss. One afternoon was particular.y difficult and I started to cry wondering if he would ever come around. I put my arms around his neck and said, no matter what Slim, this is your forever home whether you come around or not.

At about 9 months he started to blossom and he and I started to bond. People would always comment that Slim was a one man dog and I was his man. and he was my dog. They were amazed how smart he was and how he never took his eye off of me. Whenever he would have a stressful moment I trained him to but his head in my lap and I would sing to him. I changed the words to the TV show Flipper, to talk about Slim:

Hia name is Slim Pickens, Slim Pickens, king of the coonhounds, No one could be, smarter than he, His name is Slim Pickens, Slim Pickens king of the Coonhounds, king of the Coonhounds, just wait and see.

and he was the king of the Coonhounds and my best friend. Slim, will be in my heart forever, , and my heart is broken .


Snuggle Bunny

Read Snuggle Bunny's Memory
Little Snuggles came into our family in 2006. We got him from a rescue center in St George, Utah. We chose each other because he just would snuggle up in our arms without hesitation. Snuggles was a wonderful house kitty and also a great traveling companion. He loved to come up on the bed and snuggle up to us each morning. He did this until his final day. We love and miss him, our Snuggle Bunny!


Read Stitch's Memory
Stitch passed away peacefully at home at 11 years old. He enjoyed belly rubs, spending time trying on new and exciting hats with his toddler, cuddling, being a copilot, and providing love and comfort to his family. He will be dearly missed by his human and fur family alike. I doubt we will know his like again.


Read Rusty's Memory
Rusty was and always will be Our Boy. We have lost a family member.
“ My Boy, you are not gone. You are with me until my last breath, and I know you will be waiting for me on the other side. I love you”.


Read Zoey's Memory
I first met Zoey when a co-worker came to work and had this tiny angel in the form of an adorable black pug. I immediately fell in love with her and soon after had the opportunity to baby sit her for a weekend. Omg, what a ball of fire she was. She left us all exhausted including my two year old male black pug, Frankie. Five years ago my co-worker asked if I would like to adopt Zoey as he was moving and could not take her. We had five wonderful years with her. My little ladybug, you have no idea how much our heart aches since you left to cross the rainbow bridge. We will see you again some day and I hope you are once again playing and running with Frankie. Love Momma and Nick ❤️🐶


Read Daisy Demi's Memory

Demi is resting now and although my heart is just broken, I am searching for serenity. You were the best dog who changed my life for the better in many ways. You were always there for me. My adventure buddy. We surfed, reached the summit of almost every mountain in Southern California, stayed in fancy hotels, survived a snowstorm while backpacking, invited another human to live with us (Andrew), and then welcomed home 3 additional humans together. You always put up with my shenanigans of wearing clothes that don’t fit you, going on any adventure with me with no hesitation, and complete trust in me. I will miss you forever, but I find peace in knowing you are no longer in pain. I love you Demi ❤️ 💔



Read Daisy Snuggles's Memory

Snuggles overcame years of profound neglect and loneliness, physical injury, and disability, to bless our family with two glorious years of post-rescue life. She was about 12 years old when she came to us. Snuggles’ determination and spunk were astonishing. And loved the way her front paws lifted off the ground whenever she barked excitedly. Or how she’d back up like a little engine on a train track because she was so long it was easier to put it in reverse than to turn around. We were lucky to have her snuggles and support during the covid lockdown. Snuggles had a serene passing over the rainbow bridge three days ago. Senior dogs are deserving and precious. They just need time to acclimate and show their character. Please consider adopting seniors.


Daisy Grace

Read Daisy Grace's Memory

Such a wonderful girl- 14 years of pure love. We will miss you so much.



Read Kobe's Memory

My family and I had Kobe in our lives for almost 14 years. His favorite things were eating (he never missed a meal) and exploring a park or local trail (in his younger days). He was a faithful friend and companion who gave us many memories of the funny things he would do. He would always wait for the last bite of the peanut butter toast I was eating for breakfast. Now I always think of him before taking that last bite. Kobe will always have a special place in our hearts.



Read Lily's Memory

Lily was the most loving dog, she loved going on walks and playing with her little brother Marley ❤️ she will be deeply missed! Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with Lily and the time we had with her ❤️

– Nannette M



Read Suzie's Memory
Suzie, we’ll never forget the day we came to rescue you at the humane society! They held a raffle and we were so lucky to be picked! You brought so much joy to us and your brothers and sisters, Chuck, Joey, and Layla! We will never forget you and your smile Suzie and are so glad you’re not suffering and with Chuck again! Till me meet again my pretty princess! 💗 🥰 ❤️ 💔

– Rina R.



Read Scout's Memory
Scout was a feisty, strong female. She was a foundling in a parking lot and when I met her it was love at first sight. She was a faithful and loving companion for almost 19 years. The love of my life, I will miss her dearly.

– Marcia E.



Read Jack's Memory
Jack was my sweet little boy. Jack was found on the freeway at only 6 weeks old. Jack has been my best friend and companion for nearly 17 years. My heart has been crushed with the loss of such an important part of me. I know in my heart that I provided Jack with a great life and he is watching over me. I will miss him always. There will never be another like him. I love you Jack!


Read Dinah's Memory
Our Sweet Gal Lady Dinah Lou could light up a room with her toothy grin. She graced our lives for nearly 17 years and was filled with both the utmost love and a true fierceness that made her sugary-sweet, ever-so-memorable and terribly courageous. She will be heartily missed for the warmth and light she brought to the darkness. Tails up, Dee-Doo!


Read Muschi's Memory
She was almost 19-year old.
She was calm, very intelligent, perceptive, and playful cat.
Our love was mutual—she fully trusted us. She was love of my life and cannot forget her—I carry her in my heart.


Read Lexi's Memory
Lexi was truly an amazing dog! Probably the best one out of our crew…we had 6 at one time! She was one test short of becoming a Grand Master Champion hunter. She was so incredibly sweet and was truly a “momma’s girl”. She loved to play, she loved her siblings. She would be by my side constantly and always looked at me with the most loving eyes. Unfortunately, she had congestive heart failure, we think due to cancer. It was heartbreaking for our entire family. Lexi will be greatly missed!
Lucy 1


Read Lucy's Memory
I got Lucy from the pound on April 30, 2018. We believed she was abandoned at a bus stop, as we watched a lady and a young girl get on the bus, and the dog was left there. No leash, just stayed right at this bus stop for hours, waiting for someone to come back. Eventually we approached her, but unfortunately had to call the pound because we could not take her at the time. Once the 14 day holding period was up, I went I picked her up. She was 100 lbs, but the most gentle girl. She would light up a room with her smiles and her big loppines. She was a special girl. I wouldn’t have traded her for the world. She was the best friend really anyone could ask for. We will cherish the short four years we had with her, I hope she is playing with all the other special pups. You are missed so much Lucy Lu.


Read Lucy's Memory
Lucy filled our lives with such love and we miss her so much. Fluffy, soft, sweet, gorgeous Lucy loved her swimming pool, long walks, and vacations with her family.
She knew how to have a great time and she knew how to LOVE…..


Read Sophia's Memory
Sophia was a kind intuitive companion. She offered constant love and affection and made all of our family activities special. Giving her a dignified and gentle passing was well-deserved. Thank you, Dr. Nicole.


Read Nautica's Memory
Remembering Nautica as my little angel. 16 years ago, she was brought to us from my brother. I knew when he brought her to us she was my poopiecup, we would cuddle, army crawl, do tricks. It was almost like she knew everything about me and I knew everything about her, we chose eachother!! She would always try to take my socks, in the morning when I would get ready for school, and run around messing with me before I leave. We have been through everything together, when I never had anyone their for me, she would be right by my side. Showing me what unconditional love is. All the car rides, the walks, ice cream, cookies, etc. Anything Nautica wanted I would share. Even spending our mornings together and making sure your comfortable and not cold outside.! I remember I would always stick up for you, with anyone who would talk bad about you or even cover your ears, because I didn’t want you to hear it. Nautica was always smiling, hyper, and strong.! She would never show pain, she would always try to keep going just for me! She would never cry, never show she is tired, or hurting, she would always stay strong. Nautica are my best friend, my companion.! I always think of you, I know your waiting for me. I don’t think anyone really realizes how important dogs are to us. They share a bond with us that no one else can ever give or even share. You will always be in my heart forever, you have apart of my heart! I love you and I miss you!! Forever my poopiecup. I hope you are running around up there. Playing with Diesel and meeting new friends! I hope you get lots of treats and food, that was always your favorite! Wait for me at the rainbow bridge! I love you Nautica!! Love mom your best friend!!


Read Remy's Memory

Remy was born 1/11/11 which made her special from the beginning. Constantly loving, happy, comical, vocal, adventurous and stunningly pretty. Our retirement years saw us traveling the RV life and she loved it. Each new place had a fresh dog park, beach, forest or trail to explore and she absorbed it all with us by her side. Her presence will always be felt and her companionship will never fade. Love you Remy the wonderdog.


Read Gracie's Memory

I couldn’t have asked for any dog more special to me then my little wiggle butt.. I will miss her presence every day. She was kind, sweet, loyal and didn’t have a mean none in her body.. R.I.P little one <3 “



Read Bobo's Memory
My Silly, hyperactive, needy little guy. Always under my feet, following me or getting my attention by pawing at me as I rest. I miss washing your dirty little face at the end of the day & you letting me know when it’s time to go to bed. I miss the snoring & your silly look with your tongue sticking out. You are with me forever in my heart❤️


Read Hercules's Memory

Hercules was adopted when he was 3months old he was very loved and I was very loving to me and my family. He loved ti cuddle and give kisses on your nose I will forever miss you my fury love always in heart never forgotten I will see you again in heaven love mami.



Read Halo's Memory

Halo was loving and loyal. I was her person, and she stayed right beside me. She loved car rides. I’ll miss her!!



Read Reina's Memory

Reina was the sweetest, most loving English Golden Retriever. She loved the beach and camping. She helped me through the hard times in my life and shared the happy ones. She was truly a gift to have in my life. I will miss her so much 🐾💔🐾



Read Winston 's Memory
Winston was the happiest and sweetest dog I could ask for. The best host to all of our guests. Our time together was cut too short when he passed away at 6.5 years old, 8 months ago. He was suddenly paralyzed and after weeks of constant vet visits, we wanted to lay him to rest in our backyard, his favorite place. He left behind his brother, Clyde, who loves and misses him dearly. Dr. Nicole and her team were so gentle, kind, and supportive. Winston was so special. We love and miss you so much.


Read Daisy's Memory

We rescued Daisy when my son was 2 yrs old so he had a pet to grow up with. Daisy was also my first dog. We had no idea the impact she would have on our lives! She was my son’s play mate, my protector when I was pregnant, and my husband’s couch buddy. When I had my twins she was the best “baby sitter” ever! We are greatful we got almost 13 years with our amazingly loving baby Daisy.

We miss you greatly!




Read Roxie's Memory
Where do I begin? We could not have asked for a better Dog.

She was so smart and so sweet. There wasn’t a mean hair on her entire body.

She got along with everyone, including other Dogs.

She was just perfect, and I Thank The Lord every day for the blessing that was Roxie.

We Love You and Miss You So Much!

See You On The Other Side.

Love Your Family.



Read Cupcake's Memory
Cuppy was the best, sweetest, gentlest, most lovable little dog! We will love and miss her always.


Read Tessa's Memory
We are sad to announce that our beloved Tessa passed away today. Tessa was kind to all who met her and adored by all who knew her. She was a service dog and grew into our hearts. She loved all kinds of food and would steal it off the counter top if you weren’t paying attention. She loved long walks, pupachinos, her grand baby Ansel, sister Sarah, sister Devon, brother Clark and of course her mommy and I. She passed peacefully and knew she was loved! We love you Tessa and will see you in the next life….


Read Chanel's Memory
I just miss her licking my face as much as I hated it I do miss it and her so much


Read Maximilian's Memory
Our sweet Puggle Maximilian lived a long & adventurous life. Adopted in 2009 from the Oregon Humane Society, his favorite place was the Oregon coast where he’d run & eat crab & just be wild & free. He was the best companion, up for anything, playful until the very end & truly a legend that was so loved by so many. We have a Puggle-shaped hole in our hearts with his passing. The doggiest dog. And absolutely the dog of a lifetime! RIP Maximilian the Great (2008-2023)

Dottie and Blondie

Read Dottie and Blondie's Memory
Thanks for coming into my life❤️, your life is done here, I look for you both and want to here your loving barks to greet me when i come home. You both will always in my heart and memories. Until we meet again, your family and your fur family 🌈💕


Read General's Memory
General joined our family right before the pandemic and he was exactly who we needed. It was love at first sight and no second thoughts about adopting a senior. He brought us closer as a family and we made family trips with intent. We always knew we were on borrowed time with him, but 2 1/2 years came too quickly.
We love you General forever and always. He was the goodest boy.

Lather Henson-Anthony

Read Lather's Memory
Lather was very athletic and loving. She was always very intelligent. Whoever threw her into the streets as a 3-month-old puppy to fend for herself, missed out on sharing an amazing life with her.

She loved the beach and walks and was very patient with everyone including other animals.



Read Akira's Memory

It’s been a week since we had to say goodbye. We miss you so much Akira. You were such a fun crazy boy who always kept us entertained. Such a good boy. We miss your “talking” and your boundless energy. RIP sweet boy. We will love you forever.



Read Casey's Memory

My mother recently passed away. Casey was her dog; a border collie mix. I was more than happy to bring Casey home and integrate her into my pack of 2 small dogs and a cat.

I remember when my mother first got Casey. She had a ton of energy. She was like Tigger; she would jump to meet you face to face.

Unfortunately, when I got Casey, she was a senior and fighting some issues (severe obesity, deaf, blind, incontinence, and weak rear legs that regularly collapsed). In the short time, I had Casey, She became a special part of our pack. She was the sweetest girl and would follow me around the house. She would regularly come up to me and give me kisses. She once was a cat-killer but not anymore. She & my cat were very curious about one another and I caught them face to face sniffing each other a few times. My cat is normally very fearful so I think even my cat could tell Casey was a sweet girl.

I took Casey for walks around my large yard and after a few times, she could do it on her own. I swear she lost some weight too. While a big part of me wanted to see if I could help her, I was worried she was in pain. She still groaned when laying down and getting up. She adjusted frequently and was always panting even though I kept the house cooler than normal for her. I believe she was in pain and at her age, I had to be realistic and acknowledge that she would only continue to get older who knew if arthritis would be any better with less weight?

On Casey’s last day everyone got fresh marrow bones from the butcher. We all went out to the back porch in the morning before it got hot. It was a nice morning. Every 10 minutes or so, she would come to give me kisses. At one point, Casey walked away from her bone. So she & I went for a walk. She found some shade in the yard and lifted her nose to the breeze. I knelt beside her and wrapped my arms around her. She was a great hugger. I told her she would be the breeze, the birds, the trees. She would be the leaves and the bees. She would be free. She would be in me and all around.

This photo is from that morning. She looks so happy. I hope I was able to give her some joy in the short time I had her.

You will always be a part of our pack, Casey. We Love You


Diesel aka “BigPoppa”

Read Diesel's Memory

The most caring German Sheppard… He looked scary, but that was all fake, he had the biggest heart and was very gentle, especially around new people. Always on high alert, making sure he kept our family protected. He wouldn’t stop being the big dog protector, even in poor health.

He fell in love with the water hose and really liked getting wet. He loved picking up rocks and collecting them, that was Diesel’s weird hobby. He is and will always be our best boy!

As each day passes it slowly gets a little easier knowing Diesel is free of pain and is running around heaven.

Miss you Bigpoppa.

Charlie B.



Read Sophie's Memory
My little Sophster, you will be missed by so many. Your big sisters, Haley and Megan, your “boyfriend” Frank, Uncle Eric and Mamaw to name a few. You will undoubtedly be missed the most by me, your mama. We will miss your rambunctious energy, your quirky personality and your sweet nature. These last couple of years were so hard on you, and it broke my heart to see you grow old and weary. I am so glad you are at peace now. I love you, baby girl.


Read Roycee's Memory
I remember the day like it was yesterday…it was Halloween and Rick and I convinced Vanessa to go to the shelter. We walked up and down the hallways and came across a dog named Boba Fett. He had a huge head and skinny body. He came up to the front of his kennel and was just talking away, he had so many important things to say. We sat with him for a while and decided to look down the last wing of the shelter. We got to the first kennel, and I stop and said to Vanessa “I don’t need to look anymore, I know what dog is meant to be ours”. I took off running through the shelter, ducking a dodging people all the way to his kennel. There was another couple that was checking him out so the moment I made it back to him I quickly snatched his paperwork out of the plastic covering. We requested to take him out to the play area to interact with him and to fully introduce ourselves to one another. He came running out like his ass was on fire. He was ducking and dodging just like I did to get back to him. He was so clumsy as he ran around showing love to all of us. He came over to me after a few mins of explosive energy. He sat with me on the bench and put his paw on my chest and leaned back almost taking a tumble. I looked at him as he looked at me and right than we knew that we were meant to be. When we arrived home with him, we took him down to the dog park to introduce him to Virginia. They went nose to nose through the fence and it was love at first sight. They looked at one another with their tails wagging and huge smiles, it was as though they had known each other in another life. Their bond was instant and intense, they became inseparable. That day our little family that was so heartbroken over losing Javier just a month prior became whole again. With him we became the PATCH PACK! He mended our hearts and filled our lives with an extraordinary amount of laughter and love.

Moving to California in general was overwhelming and scary but you add on traveling for 5 days across country with 2 large baby pups and a cat and it became even more chaotic. Roycee has ALWAYS been the best travel buddy. He was PERFECT the whole way to California. They were in the car for 12 plus hours a day and in and out of hotel rooms each night. Honestly you wouldn’t have even known Roycee was in the car. Virginia on the other hand was on Vanessa lap the ENTIRE time taking care of her mom who is deathly afraid of the car. When we finally made it to California it was a bit of a rough start. They were country Florida dogs and the move to the big city was such an overwhelming adventure from them. They would look at us with a look on their faces like, “mommies why are we at this place that we hear sirens and gunshots”. As we became more comfortable, they shortly overcame their fear of the noises and smells after a few weeks. Virginia and Roycee got to experience so many big things together, we packed so many life experiences in the short 6 years he was with us. He got to climb the Rocky Mountains, travel all over the United States, vacation in the desert and those are just a few of our adventures together. He protected us and filled our hearts to the top with an overflowing amount of love.
Vanessa was Roycee’s EVERYTHING! He was obsessed with her from the first time they laid eyes on one another. If Roycee could have lived in Vanessa’s skin, he would have. This loss for her is the biggest she has every experienced. Their connection can’t be matched, it was as if they were one soul. We couldn’t have imagined our life without him. He has changed us forever…time will hopefully fill the emptiness we now feel now that he is gone. I promised him that I would take care of his mom, sister, and kitten brother. I reassured him that it was okay that he is getting tired and that he can be done fighting. He looked at us deep in our eyes, his dark brown eyes…we will miss them so much.

“You are mommies’ sunshine our only sunshine, you make use happy when skies are gray, you’ll never know Roycee how much mommies love you, please don’t take our Roycee away” …you will forever be remembered as the perfect boy you were. You will forever be the sun that hits our face and the wind that blows through our hair. This isn’t goodbye, it’s see you later…until we meet again my perfect son, we love you Papi.



Read Mack's Memory
He was my angel on 4 paws


Read Talulah's Memory
I took my time writing this only because I’ve been overcome with numbness. Five days ago, I lost my best friend. The hardest part is the way my whole world has changed without you in it and now there’s an emptiness in my heart. I’m no longer greeted by your smile and a toy when I get home. Your little bed is empty where you once laid. My favorite shotgun passenger is now just a memory. I am very grateful though, you gave me 12 years of companionship full of joy and happiness. Thank you for helping me through heartbreaks. Thank you for keeping me young with your lively spirit. Thank you for putting a smile on every person you met. Thank you for your morning cuddles and kisses (the reason I was always late for work). Most of all, thank you for all the unconditional love and loyalty you showed me throughout the years. My sweet Talulah Belle, you will always be a part of me and live on in my heart forever! ❤️


Read Tigger's Memory
Tigger has been my best friend for almost 15 years. He was born with hip dysplasia and I was told he wouldn’t walk for more than a year. Not my Tigger, he beat the odds and ran and played his life to the fullest up until about a year or so ago. We thought it was just him aging and his hips, but after a trip to the vet, it was confirmed that his spine was deteriorating, but that didnt stop him least not for awhile. Tigger had the smile of an angel, a heart of gold and a personality that could light up any room. He was always by my side and I cant imagine life without my Boo dog. I only know he isnt hurting anymore. Run and be you baby dog..Mommy loves ❤️ you.


Read Bella's Memory
Bella was one of a kind! The sweetest, kindness, loving girl 💖 We were blessed to have adopted her 8yrs ago. God knew exactly what we needed and who we needed and were truly thankful that He sent us Bella! We LOVE and will MISS you girl but we know you are in no more pain 💖


Read Butters's Memory
Butters was a very laid back mellow cat, his first 10 years he was a wild child we lived in the country along the Russian River, he was an outdoor cat mostly and he brought me many gifts of birds, mice, and other assorted gifts, after relocating to Southern California he became an indoors only cat and adjusted to a quiet life here. Butters lived to the age of 19, just 2 months short of 20 yrs! I miss him terribly and it’s a tough adjustment to make without him in my life, but I know he’s at peace and in a better place


Read Oreo's Memory
Your my best friend. You gave me joy when I was down. Farewell my friend I believe your in a better place.

Yeti Spaghetti

Read Yeti's Memory
Our sweet yeti girl was kind, adventurous, and so smart. We only had her for 5 years since picking her from the shelter. We had no idea where she came from before the shelter, we know she had her great deal of pain before us and we made it up to her every single day. She was definitely our little queen. It feels like there’s never enough time with the ones we love, but we are so thankful for every moment she allowed us to share with her. She was 13 years old and fighting her bone cancer, and she did put up a fight. We’ll miss you until forever baby!
Thank you Dr. Nicole, I know she felt at peace.


Read Lucca's Memory
Luca was our little Lovebug. Full of love and cuddles yet quite feisty when he wanted his independence. We had him for nearly 15 years. His beautiful memory will live on in our hearts. We love you and miss you, sweet Lucca 🌈❤️🐾

Winslow the incredible WonderWinslow

Read Winslow's Memory
We hiked with gentle paws
On soft forest trails dug in your claws

Slight lean to your left

I knew losing you was universal theft

Took you everywhere I could

Never enough time as it should

Bluff Lake, plantation hike

I saw your little spirit spike

Your heart filled with strength and joy

Only three days to live for my boy

A marathon of faith

To get to heaven’s gate

I can’t believe you’re gone

My heart is torn and full of thorns

Free flying you’re gone

I’m left with memories to mourn

Celebrating your life and legacy

My Wonder child I miss you, what a terrible tragedy


Read Bella's Memory
“Bella was the last of the Three Amigos. We had three dogs throughout the span of my three kids’ childhood years, and she was the last one standing. We got her for my youngest daughter when she was 12 (who is now 25), but Bella became mine after she went off to college. Bella was independent and spirited but an ever-present companion. She wasn’t lovey-dovey but had no problem laying right in your face (or on your head) to let you know she loved you and knew how to give a snuggle when you needed one. She wasn’t above talking to us for her daily treats, even throwing in her “treat dance” because she knew it made us laugh every single time. We will forever miss her running to the door to greet us and being so excited that her humans were home, even if we were only gone for 15 minutes. She acted like a puppy right up until the end. This is my favorite picture of her with her “humping puppy,” which was twice her size. Until we meet again, Miss Bella-boo…may you be at peace and no longer in pain.”


Read Konan's Memory

“Konan was approximately 5 years old when I adopted him from a high kill shelter. He was next in line to be euthanized, but he suckered me in with his big head, large pointy ears, short little legs, and his tail nubbin moving a million miles an hour. He looked like a cartoon. He must have had a rough start in life because he had severe trust issues, and it took us a while to bond with each other. There was even a time I considered taking him back to the shelter because it wasn’t working out. I’m glad I stuck it out because, with training and a lot of perseverance, Konan became the best dog that ANYONE could ask for. He was protective and saved me from an attack from someone who meant to cause me harm. Fast forward a few years, and someone tried to break into my apartment through a ground window during Christmas. I wasn’t home at the time, but Konan kept the burglar out and kept my cats inside. He was my roadie and went with me everywhere. He was with me during a divorce and a move to another state. He helped several lost, and stray dogs find their homes. He helped people who were nervous around dogs feel more comfortable. He helped me train other dogs with behavior issues. He donated blood multiple times and saved the lives of other dogs. He taught new veterinary employees how to be better at their jobs. Despite everything he must have been through before, his zest for life and his unbelievable forgiveness was contagious. He lived to be around 15 years old when he developed cancer in his lungs, and I had to make the decision to say goodbye. He saved my life both physically and spiritually, and anyone who met him felt his positive energy. I miss him every day, but his contagious joy and cartoon looks will live on forever. I was so lucky to have him in my life.”


Read Roscoe's Memory
Roscoe was brought to us 16 1/2 years ago. He blessed us everyday we had him, he brought such joy to our lives and we are truly heart broken we had to lay him to rest. I was Roscoe’s mom, he followed me everyday no matter where I went, his eyes were constantly on me. If I got up to move he got up and moved. Roscoe endured many surgeries and never cried or complained and came right back to his normal self, he was a tough little guy. Roscoe loved toys, lots and lots of toys. I asked my husband if he thought Roscoe missed me, and he told me, you’re with Roscoe, you are Roscoe’s heaven, you’re in his dreams so you are still with him and he is still with you. We love you forever and always Roscoe. Till we meet again, be loving to all your new friends and tell them all about your mom and dad. Love you, mom and dad.


Read Chance's Memory

“Chance was our big ole baby boy. He was 80 pounds and almost 9 years old. We adopted him from a Greyhound rescue. He raced for two years where he was not cared for. He quickly became our best friend. He was soulful, majestic, regal, sweet, goofy and absolutely the most loving dog we’ve ever had the honor of being parents to. He was loved by everyone who met him. He was a gentle soul. He loved his treats and breakfast and dinner was his favorite time of day. He lived his baby brother Ollie, an 8 pound Chiweenie. We will always cherish the time we were blessed with and never forget how you brought joy, comfort, peace and love to our home. We are thankful for Serene Passages for making your last moments here so peaceful. No more suffering big guy. RIP Chance until we meet again in heaven.”



Read Sammy's Memory

Sammy was our first family dog. He was very loyal and protective of his loved ones. For over a decade, he celebrated many of our successes and comforted us through some of our greatest losses. We will forever cherish the love and joy Sammy brought to our home! We mourn his passing, but celebrate his life!

Valkarie Allen

Valkarie Allen

Read Valkarie's Memory
Valkarie was 13 year old German shepherd. We had him when he was only 9 weeks old, and time goes so fast.He suffered from degenerative myelopathy for the last two years. His favorite thing to do was Chace at night with a flash light.He would wait for me and my wife at the front door until we got home Valkarie Gave unconditional love every day and night. Towards the last 10 months I roasted a fresh turkey breast for him every other night for lunch and dinner.I will always love you Valkarie now and forever ❤️ ❤️.


Read Pepper's Memory
Pepper loved her walks, belly rubs, neck scratches, treats, and most of all, dinnertime. Run free in the warm sun, dear Pepper, and nap in a cool, quiet place with your best friend Mabel (who, I’m sure, greeted you on the other side). We will miss you, sweet girl, until we meet again. xoxo


Read Amie's Memory
“Our Amie girl was 15 and was always puppy-like, she always had a way to make us think she was fine, never wanted us to know her pain towards the end, she was good at it..tough little girl! She loved hunting for lizards, chasing bunnies and squirrels, and was good at catching them too. She loved following around our girls hoping for some dropped crumbs and put up with them dressing her up, I think she secretly loved the attention. She went on road trips which she didn’t like, but she’d rather go than be left behind, so she put up with our travels. She will be forever missed!”


Read Whitten's Memory

“Whitten was my feline friend for 20 years, a scrawny, blue-eyed angel that made an impact on all that knew her, especially her friend, a pit bulldog! Angels don’t always have wings; they have whiskers! We miss and love you!”


Read Cadbury's Memory

“We used to call her our model kitty because she was so beautiful and striking. She was a wonderful cat for 15 years! We miss her every day.”



Read Cal's Memory
What can’t I say about Cal? He was funny, feisty, smart, stubborn, loyal, and loved by EVERYONE who met him!
He was born in Ireland and came to me at about 9 months old, my former partner found him a visit home to family – Cal was abandoned and tied up to a local bookstore and we decided to give him a new ‘leash on life’ by bringing him home with her to our home in New York City. When my partner and I separated, I kept Cal together with my other dog, Tequila, and eventually Tuxedo. Together the four of us journeyed life as constant companions. Cal, Tequila, and Tux made many moves with me across the country for work, many road trips, celebrated many holidays, birthdays with my extended family and friends, and were my constant companions for 10 years until I met my current partner. Together she and I raised Cal, Tequila, Tux with Olive, my partner’s dog and we were one big happy family. Life catches up to all of us, and at 17 nearly 18 years, Tequila transitioned, heartbreaking, but we still had Cal with his big heart and loving disposition. This past Monday that ended, Cal was tired and ready to join Tequila. I had a hard time letting go, but I did it for him. Thank you Dr. Nicole and Don for helping me through the process. Cal, you were special to me, my satellite, my North Star, I’m forever grateful to you and Tequila for helping me through one of the most difficult periods in my life and for generously loving Tux and Olive as part of the pack. You and I had a bond Cal, and I won’t ever forget that or you. I will love you forever. I can’t wait to meet you again. I love you. Mom/Jenn


Read Scout's Memory
Scout was a feisty, strong female. She was a foundling in a parking lot and when I met her it was love at first sight. She was a faithful and loving companion for almost 19 years. The love of my life, I will miss her dearly.


Read Suzie's Memory
Suzie we’ll never forget the day we came to rescue you at the humane society! They held a raffle and we were so lucky to be picked! You brought so much joy to us and your brothers and sisters , Chuck, Joey and Layla! We will never forget you and your smile Suzie and are so glad your not suffering and with Chuck again! Till me meet again my pretty princess! 💗🥰❤️💔


Read Toban's Memory
“My fur-baby of 12 years, my 1st love, named Toban (Japanese word meaning “shift, duty, security” was as a gentle giant and a total love bug that showed affection throughout his whole life. Our precious boy, a wonderful protector and an awesome big brother to his fur-baby sister Fortune. He loved to chew ice cubes and his favorite pastime was sucking on his blanket or stealing one of our socks. He was very intelligent, loving, playful, and can be stubborn when having to come back in the house. He loved to sit with me when I prayed and chanted Nam Myhoho Renge Kyo, and he knew when prayer was over as I concluded with ringing the bell, then he would get up and go to the den to watch tv — he was truly a character and we miss him dearly! We want to thank Dr. Nicole, for her outstanding professionalism and compassion in helping us go through the process and she demonstrated such care and gentleness for our precious Toban in his transition. We thank you, Dr. Nicole, you are truly fulfilling your life’s mission in providing such care, and compassion to families and fur-babies in a time of sorrow.”



Read Gaia's Memory

“Gaia was a wonderful companion. She made it 15 years!! She was with me before I found my husband and had my children. She was my Road Dog and went on many adventures with me. She kept me safe and always protected me. She loved to chase balls and go on long walks. She will be greatly missed and We Love her So Much” 



Read Chance's Memory
Chance was such a soulful loving friend. His huge presence is missed in our home. Bella our other dog really has not stopped wondering where he is. We miss him


Read Tilly's Memory
So many sweet memories, I don’t know where to start. When we picked up Tilly from the breeder to bring her home, I marveled at this “perfect” little bundle of fur, who captured my heart the minute those warm eyes looked up at me and smiled! Yes, she did. Her face lit up and I swear her eyes twinkled. We did not have a crate yet so put her in a cat carrier, she sat on my lap the whole way home, and kept poking her adorable head up to look around and grin. It’s hard to believe she was ever that TINY, that she could fit into a cat carrier! It was a special day, in more ways than one, and we had just gotten a rare snow in May here in the mountains. Tilly was so intrigued by this “white stuff” on her paws, she just romped and ran around the yard like this was the best thing ever! That started her lifelong love of snow, she would make snow angels out in the snow and loved just sitting on top of snow. With her beautiful heavy coat, the cold never bothered her and she LOVED being outside in it. She had that happy go lucky disposition that NEVER wavered and probably what I miss most. She did not meet anyone she didn’t like, and everyone who met her became a friend for life. I still smile at the vet’s note in her chart to me “Tilly is the SWEETEST!” Of course, she was. Tilly loved her toys, the only problem was the stuffing would only last barely a few days, and was all over the yard. Neighbors used to laugh walking by because she ran to the fence, with toys in her mouth, and bark excitedly (but somehow NOT losing her grip on her stuffed animal 🙂 Tilly always met me at the gate when I got home from work, with tail wagging and butt wiggling, toys her in her mouth, and dancing around excitedly. Pure, unconditional LOVE. No matter what kind of day I had, she made it better! It was impossible not to smile and be so grateful for this adorable pup; who brought so much love, joy, and happiness into my life. You loved being close to your person and took up most of the bed, but I didn’t mind :).

I truly knew HOW special you were, when you taught Daisy, a 7 year old beagle who was rescued from a research lab in San Diego (and had lived in a cage her whole life) how to be a “dog”. I watched your gentle spirit guide her to doing what comes natural, being comfortable in this “strange” environment with trees, squirrels, birds, and skunks. And yes, you taught Daisy how to howl along with you and “sing” when police sirens went off. What a wonderful big sister you were! You were slowing down and getting much more winded last summer. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something did not seem right. When we got the diagnosis of not just one, but two cancers in your kidney and liver, my heart sank. I was truly hoping it was just Cushing’s Disease and we could “manage” it. Hemangiosarcoma is very aggressive, and most said the life expectancy is weeks to a few months. I knew I was on borrowed time. My sweet strong girl did beat those odds and I was grateful for each day with her. But alas, Tilly lost her battle this week (and I think she just hung on that long to comfort ME, people pleaser that she was 🙂 Her last day was filled with joy (seeing the “rainbow” illuminate her when she did her last walk around the yard) AND incredible sadness, but I know Tilly’s transition with Dr Nicole and being at home was the most peaceful and best possible experience for this beautiful soul. Thank you for your compassion, love, and gentleness. Tilly, you were so loved and will be dearly missed! Run free and swim (if you can). I hope you are getting to reunite with Dixie, Lexa, Daisy, and Bella at the Rainbow Bridge. I feel blessed I got to be your Mom. x0x0x0



Read Foxy's Memory
Foxy “Our Miracle Girl”
Was adopted from a kill shelter where she was on death row until YAPS adopted her and that’s where we found this little Princess. Foxy was 6 months old and poor girl was filled with lots of fear and mistrust. However, when we bonded she became the best furry kid! She had a way of making us laugh. She looked very regal and yet she could be mischievous. She would allow me to dress her up as long as we didn’t go outside. Her pride was intact that’s for sure. She was the Boss around here. She had a way of letting us know what she wanted and when. She loved when I cooked her chicken in the pressure cooker. She knew when it was done and she would come and get me and take me into the kitchen so I would make her a bowel of fresh, warm chicken. She loved her Jeep rides and couldn’t wait for her Daddy to come home from work. If he left in the morning and didn’t give her a kiss goodbye she would hold a grudge. She loved hugs and kisses.
She has a huge place in our 💕!
We will love you forever Foxy Girl!

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